Cessna Model 150-A150-F150-FA150-172-F172-FR172-177 Service & Parts Manual D4562-13


Available Options:

Cessna Model 150, A150, F150, FA150, 172, F172, FR172, 177



and Parts Manual



Model 150, A150, F150, FA150, 172, F172, FR172, 177

This Avionics Service/Parts Manual describes avionic installations for

all 1974 and on 150, A150, F150, FA150, 172, F172, FRI72 and 177

Models. Refer to the Avionic Installations Service/Parts Manual,

D4500-13, dated 1 February 1973, for coverage of 1969 thru 1973 models.


the manual has 365 pages long

Original Issue: March 1, 1976

Table of Contents

Section 1. Cessna Crafted Radio Equipment

Section 2. Vendor Crafted Radio Equipment

Section 3. Antenna Systems

Section 4. Audio Systems

Section 5.  Miscellaneous Avionics Equipment

Section 6. Avionics Loading Charts

Section 7. Avionics Wiring Diagrams

Section 8. Numerical Index